Website Design & Development

Personal Project

Practice is an important part of our journey as designers, creators and humans. Throughout our journey, we gather ideas and values that resonate and practice them. It is only through rigorous practice of anything that we achieve success and happiness in both our professional and personal lives. This website is meant to remind all its viewers of that.

The website design itself is quite experimental in the way one views it. The site dimensions are from 1225 pixels to 500 pixels thus it needs to be viewed in responsive (developer) mode. Throughout the site, there are several breakpoints, each denoting a title I allocated to its respective micro-response. These titles embody the essence of the response, such as "failure", "embracing", "refinement", "evolution" etc and a prefix, "practice" has been attached to all. This helps to tie the concept of the site and reminds the viewers that all these values are only good as long as we practice them. Thus, it hopes to inspire everybody to develop, refine and expand their practice to become their best self.